OBJECTIVE: The objective is to talk about all the things ONE of the characters (Alan, Emma, Jane, Ted) has.

pencilMake 4 or 5 groups. Give the following grid to each group.

pencilThe players can choose a character right from the beginning or while playing (they can also change their minds).

pencilThe players can move forwards or backwards.

pencilFor each object, the players must say what colour it is. If the answer is correct, the players write the colour in the corresponding square in the grid. If the answer is not correct, the teacher gives the right answer and the players must memorize it for the next time they land on this square:

            Grammar Point 1: HAVE (GOT)

            Ex: Alan has got a blue pen. (British English)    (Click here to see the solutions!)

            Ex: Alan has a blue pen. (American English           

            Grammar Point 2: POSSESSIVE CASE

            Ex: Alan's pen is blue.                             (Click here to see the solutions!)

pencilWhen a group has collected all the colours, the players must give all the school things their character has to the teacher and the rest of the class. If the description is correct, the group wins! 



a calculator

a copybook

an eraser / a rubber

a pen

a pencil

a pencil sharpener

a ruler
