80 Very Common Irregular Verbs (Past Participles)"I Believe I can fly!"Give the PAST PARTICIPLES and show how far you can fly!NOTE: Refresh the page for each game! |
GAME 1be - become - break - bringbuild - burn - buy - catch | GAME 2choose - come - cost - cutdo - draw - dream - drink | GAME 3drive - eat - fall - feedfeel - fight - find - fly |
GAME 4forget - get - give - gogrow - have - hear - hide |
GAME 5hold - hurt - keep - knowlearn - leave - lend - let |
GAME 6lose - make - mean - meetpay - put - read - ride |
GAME 7ring - rise - run - saysee - sell - send - set | GAME 8shake - shine - shoot - showshut - sing - sit - sleep | GAME 9smell - speak - spend - standsteal - swim - take - teach |
GAME 10tell - think - throw - understandwake up - wear - win - write | ||
L. H. 2011 |